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Basics Of Biblical Interpretation
The theological differences that exist between one church or another are almost always due to the approach one takes to interpreting the Scriptures. Unfortunately Christians often assume that their interpretive approach is correct without ever having evaluated or consciously studied to discover the biblical approach to interpreting the Bible.
In his book Journeys with Jesus (see link below), Dennis Johnson takes his reader on a study of the Bible to learn how God tells us in His Word to interpret the Word. In this class, Pastor Jeff uses Johnson's book as a foundation for a study on the basics of the biblical approach to interpreting the Bible.
Jesus Is the Center - Pastor Jeff Scott
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The Covenant Streams in Scripture - Pastor Jeff Scott
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You Are Here--Where to Start - Pastor Jeff Scott
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You Are Here--Where to Start, cont'd - Pastor Jeff Scott
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Following Road Signs--Typology - Pastor Jeff Scott
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Looking for Landmarks--Prophet, Priest, and King - Pastor Jeff Scott
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